Transit Oriented Development "TOD"


One of the major avenues created to redesign neighborhoods all throughout America

is based upon transit.  In some communities these transit lines are created and in others they already exist.  This has become known as Transit Oriented Development "TOD".


Definition of TOD, mixed -use, higher density development oriented towards public transit.

In order words: Residential development on streets with transit (bus, train) access!

However, there have been grave repercussions to these developments, suffered by the residents

who precede in these communities of color, which has been supported by HUD in their document called Sustainable Development which states development along transit corridors "has the potential to spur gentrification and displace residents in low- and moderate-income areas." This is the same type of development that City Planning has modeled after East New York and proposed to institute here in our community.

What MTOPP has done is given you a quick overview of what has been the result of TOD, that has taken place in 4 Communities in America.

Please look at the graph below as a quick reference.


MTOPP The Movement To Protect The People

Seattle’s Historic International District

This is an Asian immigrant population, who’s primary issue, was the affordable units being built in the form of skyscrapers was not only not forth coming, because construction cost of building tall building was a major issue, but it windup causing major displacement of affordable housing and elimination of the small mom and pop businesses. (Sounds like Hamilton perception that Empire Blvd. will never have affordable because the land is too expensive!)

San Francisco’s Mission District

A very well establish Latino community, where evictions of tenants reached record numbers and entire communities were transformed in just a few years, while the city approved larger and larger development projects. (Sounds like De Blasio’s adding on another 130,000 “market rate” development to the current 80,000 and the transformation of Williamsburg)

Los Angeles’s Boyle Heights

Predominately a Latino Community, where they had to organized and take transit to court to ensure that the needs of the community was addressed, but despite this they still faced the lost of small businesses and residents to the development along the railroad line. (Sounds like MTOPP organizing and going to court to address community’s concerns)

The Twin Cities: St. Paul and Minneapolis

Mainly an African-American population, who’s political system shut out the community in the planning process, with meetings being held but the community not being listened to and appointed representatives not being accountable to the community.  (Sounds like CB9 and City Planning listening forums and violations of various laws to deter involvement!)


It is clear from these examples and the ones right here In NYC that TOD displaces low and moderate income families destroys neighborhoods and small mom and pop Business in communities primarily of color.


MTOPP sees this as systematic systemic racism. And will fight this in the courts as well as in the streets. We have to protect our communities, our homes, our businesses, from a system covered in political corruption and fueled by corporate greed!


MTOPP states very loud and very clear that we have the right and the obligation To fight for the people, to stop the harm created By development which has proven time and time again

To cause undo harm to thousands of people of color All throughout America!