Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo Lies about her Campaign Contributions!
City Council’s Race’s Forum – Saturday, July 15, 2017
On Saturday, July 15, 2017 at a Candidates Forum, Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo demonstrated not only her absence of respect for her constituency but she also showed a complete lack of integrity. Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo outright lied about her close to a quarter of a million dollar financial contributions from "Jobs for New York" that has been verified and published by New York City Campaign Finance Board. She stated “I have not received or accepted any money from the Real Estate industry!
Below shows that Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo received $222,671 from "Jobs For New York"
Jobs For New York – Front for Real Estate Developers!
According to the Campaign Finance document, Laurie received $229,617 from “Jobs For New York”, which is a LLC, and who’s entire budget has come from the Real Estate Industry. The watch dog group New York Common Cause – Holding Power Accountable and Fair Elections for New York, found out that Real Estate Board of New York “REBNY", was allowed to bypass the New York City Campaign Finance system by making contributions to the LLC and the entire 5.6 million dollars raised by “Jobs For New York” came from them!
Picture below is short piece on Jobs For New York and their connection to REBNY!
The Real Estate Industry Hiding Money
The Real Estate Industry continues to use the loophole of LLC’s to get around the City
Finance laws and to hide their contributions to candidates from the Public. Why? Because it is obvious to the people that when a candidate is supported by developers, then it will be their bidding that the elected officials will do not the voters.
Investigation Against Laurie Cumbo
Laurie also talked about an investigation against her, but she failed to mention the results of it: The Campaign Finance board fined her $7,868 for not disclosing her campaign contributions and for her accepting improper campaign funds.
Last City Council election 80% of the council people placed in office were supported by the Real Estate Industry, including Laurie Cumbo! This has got to stop! We need to start voting out anyone who is taking Real Estate money both directly or independently, because it all amounts to the same thing - The People's Will not being done.
The Acceptance and Responsibility of Donations
Any candidate may send back or not accept campaign contributions made directly or independently. If they don’t reject then they accept and are responsible for that acceptance. For example, Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo was fined because she did not reject the illegal campaign contributions. So this excuse that she is not responsible for the money that is given to her is just smoke and mirrors that clearly the Campaign Finance board did not accept and neither are we!